The Mat Doc

Skin Infections


Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus species are responsible for the vast majority of these infections. For more information and in-depth discussion, consider “Am I disqulified?-Educational DVD.


Red, warm and tender skin area from staph or strep bacteria.


Small pustules that develop at the base of hair follicles from staph. May have surrounding cellulitis.


Scratches or abrasions that become infected with staph or strep. The lesions become weepy, crusty or bulbous.


Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus: variation of simple staph infection that evolves from a ‘Spider bite’ into a boil or abscess.


Primarily due to dermatophyte (Fungus) Trichophyton tonsurans. Can invade skin on any part of the body, but has high predilection for the scalp. For more information and in-depth discussion, consider “Am I disqualified?-Educational DVD.”

Tinea Corporis Gladiatorum, a.k.a. Ringworm

Starts out as a rash that is flat and scaly. As it spreads outward in a circular pattern, the border is red and can sometimes have small bumps on its leading edge. As it enlarges, the middle area will turn a lighter shade of red or brown. The outer border can become irregular and develop a white, scaly appearance.


Deeper invasion of the dermatophyte on the scalp. Can have appearance of abscess with drainage of pus and when severe enough, loss of hair.


Viral infections that spread via direct skin-to-skin contact. For more information and in-depth discussion, consider “Am I disqualified?-Educational DVD.”

Herpes Gladiatorum

The same virus that causes ‘cold sores’ Herpes Simplex Type-I. It develops as a collection of small blisters or vesicles typically located on the head, face or neck. These vesicles have a reddened base and when broken can secrete a clear or yellow fluid. Regional lymph nodes near the areas involved can get swollen and tender. Low grade fever, sore throat and general fatigue can appear when a primary outbreak develops. With recurrent outbreaks the symptoms are less apparent. They usually present with ‘pins and needles’ sensation at the site before vesicles develop. Reoccurrence over an individuals life is the rule, not the exception.

Molluscum Contagiosum

Due to pox virus, this infection appears as small bumps on the skin. 2-3mm in diameter and have minimal surrounding redness. Not painful and upon breaking open, the material seeds exposed skin allowing more lesions to develop.

Treatment Guidelines

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